What Are You Choosing?

Spring is busting out all over! We’re very fortunate here in the South to experience the beginnings of spring even before the actual day spring arrives. Daffodils bloom in February and cherry trees spread their gorgeous pink flowers. And the pear trees start budding and creating snowfalls of white. The tit in the photo (above) is so bright and cheery with his coat of yellow and head of blue and white that I couldn’t resist showing him off, plus the vibrant pink buds on the tree branch just make me want to dance.  

The first draft of my Irish romance is nearing completion. I can almost taste the endif only it would reveal itself a little faster. In the meantime, I’ve been watching Inventing Anna on Netflix, a story of Anna Delvey, the Instagram-legendary heiress who stole the hearts and money of New York elites. She dazzled people with her brilliant ideas and wanted to create an empire to cater to the rich and famous. I’m fascinated by mysteries, by the puzzle that they present. I wish my mind was clever that way (I used to love Sidney Sheldon novels for that reason). But it all brings up the question, what am I creating in my life? Is there mystery, is there romance, is there adventure? Maybe all three?  

My last tarot reading emphasized “choosing.” Letting go of the past (and all those habits and patterns) and choosing what I want: love, adventure, mystery, joy. Spirit is pulling up the car and all I have to do is get in. No more of this waiting on the sidelines or saying “No, that’s okay, I’m fine.” It’s time to get in the car, to choose what I want.

As the world turns and the spring equinox beckons with warmer days and a profusion of new growth, take a chance on life. Let go of the past and welcome in something new. Something different. Make a choice.